Mastering Enterprise AI: A Strategic Playbook for Success in 2024



In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, many enterprises are uncertain about how to invest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the competitive advantages it could offer. The playbook written by Sangeet Paul Choudary serves as a comprehensive guide aimed at helping enterprises and service providers navigate these uncertainties effectively. This playbook emphasizes the unbundling and rebundling of work by A.I. and highlights the strategic approaches required for successful A.I. adoption.

Understanding the Micro Logic of AI

One of the pivotal elements discussed in the playbook is the micro logic of AI. A.I. has the remarkable ability to unbundle work traditionally performed by humans and rebundle it into efficient software solutions. This unbundling and rebundling can decompose complex workflows into tasks that can be automated, thereby creating new opportunities for efficiency and innovation across various business operations. By targeting specific tasks within workflows, enterprises can leverage A.I. to not only enhance productivity but also to innovate their current operational models.

Contextual Challenges in Enterprise A.I. Adoption

As we look towards the year 2024, it becomes evident that enterprises are more focused on performance rather than innovation for its own sake. Winning with A.I. in this context involves capturing entire workflows rather than just automating individual tasks. The ability to integrate A.I. solutions seamlessly into existing workflows and align them with overall performance objectives is crucial for success. This enterprise context elucidates that A.I. adoption requires a careful balance between performance, scalability, and pragmatism.

The Influence of Macro-Level Forces

The playbook also delves into the macro-level forces that influence A.I. adoption in enterprises. The broader ecosystem, characterized by power dynamics, inertia, and decision-making processes, plays a significant role in how A.I. technologies are embraced. A.I. improvements are discontinuous, meaning they often occur in leaps rather than gradual increments. This presents both opportunities and threats for enterprises. Rapid advancements can disrupt existing players, while also providing a competitive edge to forward-thinking organizations that can adapt swiftly.

Eight-Part Framework for Enterprise A.I. Success

To navigate these challenges, the playbook presents an eight-part framework designed to guide enterprises in their A.I. journey:

The Logic

AI transforms work by unbundling human tasks and rebundling them into software, optimizing efficiency and productivity.

The Opportunity

The concept of 'Service-as-a-software' enables complex work tasks to be absorbed and rebundled into streamlined software solutions, opening new avenues for business model innovation.

Enterprise Context

A deep understanding of the specific needs of enterprises in 2024 is essential. Emphasizing performance, scalability, and practical A.I. solutions ensures that the technology delivers tangible benefits.

Workflow Capture

Moving beyond simple task automation, capturing entire workflows within business processes is fundamental to maximizing the value derived from A.I. adoption.

Business Model Advantage

Capturing workflows allows for performance-based charging, analogous to Internet of Things (IoT) applications in industrial services. This enhances revenue models and provides a sustainable competitive advantage.

Threats and Discontinuities

Enterprises must be prepared for rapid advancements in A.I. technology, which can disrupt existing players and present new challenges. Staying adaptable and responsive to these changes is key.

Moats and Control Points

Establishing robust defenses against lateral attacks and expanding enterprise accounts are essential strategies for maintaining a strong competitive position.

Winners and Losers

Understanding the factors that determine success or failure in the enterprise A.I. landscape allows organizations to strategize effectively and position themselves advantageously.

Unbundling and Rebundling Work

In the modern enterprise, tasks are considered the atomic units of work that can either be performed by humans or software. Generative AI, through large language models (LLMs) and A.I. agents, has the potential to take over knowledge-based and managerial tasks, transforming workflows in significant ways. This leads to a fundamental shift in how work is approached and executed within organizations.


The shift towards AI-driven, software-dominant workflows marks a departure from traditional human-dominated processes. This involves the componentization and rebundling of tasks into efficient software modules, ensuring streamlined and highly efficient operations. Enterprises that successfully navigate this transition can expect to see substantial improvements in operational efficiency and overall performance.

Evidence and Hype

Real-world examples of A.I. reducing effort and costs significantly serve as compelling evidence of its potential. For instance, companies like DLA Piper and Klarna have demonstrated how A.I. can drive substantial efficiency gains. Despite some mixed evidence and hype surrounding AI, there is a clear directional shift towards adopting Service-as-a-Software models, underscoring the transformative potential of A.I. in enterprise settings.

Economics of Enterprise AI

AI plays a crucial role in reducing transaction costs by transforming tasks into software-delivered services. However, this shift requires a thorough understanding of which tasks can be effectively absorbed by A.I. and the enterprise's tolerance for potential task failures. By strategically navigating these aspects, enterprises can unlock significant economic value from A.I. adoption.

Enterprise Performance and AI

Transitioning from merely selling the promise of A.I. to delivering tangible performance improvements is critical for enterprise success. Enhancing the accuracy, context window size, and processing speed of LLMs is crucial to achieving widespread enterprise adoption. This ensures that A.I. solutions not only meet but exceed performance expectations, driving substantial business value.

Workflow Capture and Business Model Advantage

Successfully capturing workflows within enterprises mitigates onboarding challenges and enables the sale of actual work outputs rather than just software licenses. This approach ensures a strong business model advantage, providing a sustainable competitive edge and enabling enterprises to realize the full potential of AI-driven transformations.

Final Thoughts

The playbook by Sangeet Paul Choudary offers a strategic approach to leveraging A.I. within enterprises. Continuous improvement and adaptation to A.I. advancements are essential for ensuring long-term success. By focusing on capturing entire workflows, enhancing performance, and navigating the macro forces at play, enterprises can successfully harness the transformative power of A.I. to gain a competitive edge in the evolving business landscape.


In conclusion, this playbook provides a comprehensive roadmap for enterprises seeking to strategically adopt A.I. and maximize its potential. By emphasizing workflow capture, performance, and contextual understanding, enterprises can navigate the complexities of A.I. adoption and leverage its transformative power to drive competitive advantages. The shift towards Service-as-a-Software models, coupled with a keen awareness of the macro forces at play, ensures that enterprises are well-equipped to thrive in the AI-driven future. Embracing A.I. with a strategic mindset and a focus on continuous improvement will undoubtedly pave the way for long-term success and innovation.